Which healthcare professionals are listed in the OneDoc directory?

In Switzerland, there is no official, regularly updated, and complete register that lists all healthcare professionals (doctors, dentists, therapists, etc.) with a practice permit. OneDoc combines information from various sources (Localsearch, FMH, the cantonal medical societies, ASCA/RME, etc.)to provide the most comprehensive directory possible. We also directly respond to requests from healthcare professionals to add, delete, or correct information. We do our best to keep this information up-to-date and complete.

All healthcare professionals in Switzerland are likely to be listed in our OneDoc directory unless we have received a request for delisting from them.

Despite our efforts, some information may be incorrect (e.g., the relocation of a healthcare professional, a new language spoken, a new specialization, etc.). In such cases, our teams can be contacted through the “Modify This Information” button at the bottom of the practitioner page. We will then correct the data as soon as possible.

When a patient searches for a healthcare professional (by specialty and practice location), the results are displayed following our rules for referencing.

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